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How To Check Internet Speed Properly

If there is one thing that is consistently taken for granted by the majority of people, it’s internet speed. When it’s fast, we never give it a second thought. When it’s slow, we’re pulling our hair out. The question is what can you do about it? Unplug the router and plug it back in? It’s not a bad suggestion. After all, it worked in South Park.

As we mentioned earlier, it’s not uncommon for everyone to experience some type of slow down occasionally. This is why it is important to test your internet speed at various times, on different days. This may seem like a bit of a hassle, but if you’re interested in getting the most accurate results, this is the way to do it. 
The best time to conduct these tests is when Internet traffic is heavy. Identify when you most commonly experience bottlenecking. Chances are it’s after work, at night or on the weekends, when everyone is streaming videos or playing online games. You’ll definitely want to run these tests during those times, but feel free to run them at odd times as well. Remember, variety is the spice of life!
Testing your internet speed is really easy. In fact, the hardest part is simply remembering to collect the data. Fortunately, the tools you need to test your internet speed are free and easy to use. All of the tools featured on this list are web-based. This means you don’t even have to worry about downloading and installing software!
  1. Fast.com 
  2. Speedtest by Ookla
  3. Network Diagnostic Tool
  4. Testmy.net 

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